JF After School FAQ


Got questions? We’ve got answers.

COVID-19 Precautions

  • What precautions are in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19?
    • Pick up spots in the school yard/or inside the school will be designated, this spot will be selected with consultation from the school principal, to ensure it does not overlap with other groups of children being dismissed.
    • Children will be walked to the Club/program – by staff who will also be their group/cohort counselors. 
    • If school groups are large, they will be split up and walked over in smaller groups.
    • During the walk to the Club/program – children and staff will be asked to wear their masks
    • Upon arrival to the Club/program- children will complete a wellness check – the staff will record their name, a visual check and their temperature.
    • Upon entry into the Club/program – the children will be asked to hand sanitize/wash their hands.
    • Upon entering the program space, children will be asked to store their backpacks either on a designated hook or table outside of the program space. Staff will sanitize each bag with a sanitizing spray (ie. Microband).
    • Staff will wear all appropriate PPE as recommended by Public Health
    • Children are asked to wear their masks during indoor programming and can be removed for outdoor programming. 
    • Children and staff will be assigned to specific cohorts/groups . 
    • Staff to child ratio will comply with the provincial guidelines 
    • Cohorts will be designated to a specific room or area and will not be shared with other cohorts
    • Programming will be planned so that it limits cohorts from mixing.
    • Children will be provided with individual  labeled packs of art materials and supplies 
    • Pick up –Parents/Guardians are to remain at the entrance of the building, Call the site phone and the staff will escort the child to the parent at the front doors. 
    • Anyone showing symptoms of illness will be separated from the group, under supervision of a staff member, until they can be picked up.
    • Frequent hand washing throughout the day will be encouraged.
    • Multiple cleaning procedures of shared surfaces using approved products for disinfection by Health Canada. Cleaning schedules through out the day and evening when Club is closed.
    • Cleaning procedures for any of supplies and equipment
    • All staff will participate in additional health and safety training.
    • All rooms and spaces have been reviewed and adjusted to ensure social distancing and reducing the interaction between cohorts.
    • Any visitor, aside from Club employees and registered participants, are to remain at the entrance of building.
  • Does my child need to wear a mask while at the program?

    Kids and staff are asked to have masks on during indoor programs. Masks can come off during outdoor programming. Please send your child with 2 masks each day along with a resealable bag to store them in

  • What happens if my child is sick or is showing any symptoms of COVID-19?

    If your child is showing signs of illness or symptoms at home (e.g. fever (temp of 37.8 Celsius or higher); new or worsening cough; shortness of breath, etc); your child should not attend the program and should remain home.

    If symptoms persist, do not return to the program until a diagnosis is made and the child has been cleared with a note.   The note can be a doctor’s note or a note from the testing assessment centre. Please contact the supervisor, or a health care professional for further direction. If you or your child are being managed by Toronto Public Health, (e.g., confirmed cases of COVID-19, household contacts of cases) follow instructions from TPH to determine when to return to the facility

  • What if my child becomes ill while at the Club?

    If your child becomes sick at the Club, they will be separated in an isolation room and supervised by one of our staff members. We will notify you to pick up your child. If it is appropriate and feasible, we will place a mask on your child. If your child requires immediate medical attention, your child will be taken to the hospital by ambulance.  All of our staff are certified in Standard First Aid and CPR-C.


  • What kind of training do the counselors have?

    We hire well-trained and experienced children’s program staff. Many are returning staff who have worked in our after school and summer camp programs before. Our staff have an outstanding experience and knowledge base. They have demonstrated a strong commitment to children and children’s programming. Staff members are trained in Standard First Aid and CPR-C as well as HIGH FIVE. Parks & Recreation Ontario’s HIGH FIVE program provides agencies with tools for measuring the success of their recreation programs for children in the area of healthy childhood development. The FIVE Principles of HIGH FIVE are FRIENDS, MASTERY, A CARING ADULT, PARTICIPATION, & PLAY! These principles should be part of every program and every child’s experience in camp and after school recreation programs.

    This year, the staff are also receiving extensive Health and Safety training to prevent the spread of COVID-19, which includes safe use of PPE, working with children during a pandemic, social distancing, hand washing, and environmental cleaning.

  • What is the staff to participant ratio?

    Each group will consist of 10-12 children with two leaders in order to meet the provincial guidelines.

Special Needs

  • What if my child has a special need?

    If your child has a special need or requires extra support of any kind, please discuss with Ikram. It is our aim to make our programs fun, safe and inclusive for all children.

  • What if my child needs medication while at the Club?

    Please request a medication form from the staff – it can be completed electronically and emailed back. All medication needs to be in the original container with your child’s name and the date of the prescription. If the medication is for emergency use (e.g. inhaler or epi-pen), please send it in a waist pack so that it can be carried with your child, or with the leaders (depending on the age and ability of the child).

  • Is the program peanut free?

    Due to the fact that participants bring food from home, we cannot ensure an environment free from allergens. If there is a child in a specific group with an allergy to peanuts or other food, we will speak to the parents of the kids in that group and ask them to keep these allergies in mind when they pack snacks.


  • What time do I pick up my child?

    The program ends at 5:30pm

  • What if I am late to pick up my child?

    The program ends at 6:00pm. If you arrive after 6:00pm, you will be charged $1 per minute. Please call us if you know you are going to be late.

  • What if my child is going to be away?

    If your child is going to be late or away for the day, you can call or email the program manager.

  • What if someone else is picking up my child?

    Any parent or emergency contact set up in the online registration system may pick up your child.  If you require anyone else to pick up your child, send an email or call us to let us know who to expect and if you want them added permanently to the list of authorized pickups.

  • What should I send with my child?

    At least two face masks, snack, weather appropriate clothing for outdoor play, drink or water bottle. You may also choose to pack a change of clothes if it’s something your child might require. Do NOT send electronics or valuables. St. Alban’s is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

  • What if my child loses something?

    Please do not send valuables or electronics with your child. To help ensure all your child’s belongings return at the end of the day, please label the child’s items. If your child has lost something, please let us know immediately. With our current safety guidelines, we are not able to keep a lost and found bin of unclaimed items. St. Alban’s is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

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